Information released by the International Federations EFCA, FEACO and FIDIC
Much of the information sent by these Federations to APPC, such as the EFCA Bulletin (“EFCA Bulletin”) and the FIDIC newsletter (“FIDIC News”), is available on their respective websites, through free access.
EFCA Committees
APPC is currently represented in 3 Committees of this Federation:
Committee on European External AidC – (European External Aid Committee)
Committee on the Internal MarketC – (Internal Market Committee)
Comittee FIDIC-EFCA on Sustainable DevelopmentC – (FIDIC-EFCA Committee on Sustainable Development)
It was previously represented in 2 other Committees that concluded their activity:
Comité sobre o Futuro da Consultoria na Europa – (European Consulting Future Committee)
Comité sobre Responsabilidade Civil Profissional e Seguros – (Liability & Insurance Committee)
“EFCA Position Paper on lowest-price award”
Several years have elapsed since the publication of the European Directive that regulates public procurement, Directive 2004/18/EC, and its transposition into the legislation of the Member States, the EFCA – European Federation of Associations of Engineering Consultants analyzed the information available on the contracts that were awarded in the light of the new legal framework and concluded that some contracting entities used and continue to abuse the criterion of the lowest price in the selection process of design companies. of Position on hiring at the lowest price, which we make available here in its original version (in English) and translated into Portuguese.