Year 2021

Nº 09/21 – APPC GENERAL MEETING | 25 June 2021 | 9:00 am 2021-06-09

Nº 08/21 – Update of Members’ Files on the APPC website – extension of the SUBMISSION DEADLINE: JUNE 15 2021-05-24  APPC-Circular_08_21 .pdf
No. 07/21 – Update of the company’s Simplified Form 05-03-2021 APPC-Circular_07_21 .pdf
Nº 06/21 –  Update of Members’ Files on the APPC website using Word files 03-05-2021 APPC-Circular_06_21 .pdf
Nº 05/21 –  Update of Members’ Files on the APPC website using Publisher files 03-05-2021 APPC-Circular_05_21 .pdf
No. 04/21 – Annual Invoicing Survey for 2020 – RECORDARY (Submission deadline: APRIL 30) 2021-04-16 APPC-Circular_04_21 .pdf
No. 03/21 – Annual Invoicing Survey for 2020 (deadline: APRIL 30) 2021-04-06  APPC-Circular_03_21 .pdf
Nº 02/21 –  Lexicon of terms and expressions of environment, architecture, engineering, economics and business management in 4 languages ​​2021-02-19 APPC-Circular_02_21 .pdf
No. 01/21 – Legal Framework for the Exercise and Consulting and Project Activity – Version 2020 01-18-2021  APPC-Circular_01_21 .pdf

Year 2020

Nº 08/20  -Update of Members’ Files on the APPC Website – Reminder 07-13-2020 APPC-Circular_08_20 .pdf
Nº 07/20   -Launch of the Working Group on Improvement of Public Procurement 03-07-2020 APPC-Circular_07_20 .pdf
No. 06/20 -Annual Invoicing Survey for 2019 01-07-2020 APPC-Circular_06_20 .pdf
No. 05/20 -Update of the Simplified Form 06-18-2020
No. 04/20 -Update of Members’ Files on the APPC Website 06-17-2020
Nº 03/20 – APPC General Meeting | 30 June 2020 | 9:00 am 2020-06-15 APPC-Circular_03_20 .pdf
No. 02/20 -Legal Framework for the Exercise and Consulting and Project Activity, Version 2019 2020-01-31 APPC-Circular_02_20 .pdf
Nº 01/20 – Annual Insurance Statement issued by Fidelidade for 2020 2020-01-24 APPC-Circular_01_20 .pdf